Grand Theft Auto V/Online
The infamous freeroam battlezone. This is the forum for all GTAO and story mode discussions.
782 topics in this forum
How much longer do you see yourself playing GTAO?
by JustHatched- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Most of us around here have been playing GTAO for a long time, later this year will mark 6 years for me and I have been thinking about how much longer do I want to invest my time to GTA. Granted, I only load the game for crew events (mostly) and I do still enjoy messing in the creator but I kinda want to get my mind set to "retire" from GTAO at some point in this year. Whats your thoughts?
Tripple Cash on all Survivor Modes
by JuniorChubb- 0 replies
PLUS NEW PREMIUM DELUXE REPO WORK MISSIONS, DISCOUNTS AND MORE Jump straight into some classic GTA Online action this week for triple the going rate, with all Survival Jobs paying out 3X GTA$ through May 8th. Squad up in any of the 9 Survival maps available in the Jobs menu as you attempt to wipe out up to 10 waves of enemies, with fresh weapon loadouts dropping for you and your crew between each round. Last all 10 rounds for a handsome reward each. Three new additions to Simeon Yetarian’s Premium Deluxe Re…
The certificates hanging on the walls of his dealership may contain a suspicious number of typos, but Simeon Yetarian is the real deal - proof that the American Dream is still alive and well in Los Santos. Today, you can take on Simeon's brand new Premium Deluxe Repo Work assignments by heading over to his dealership, accepting them via your iFruit or simply browsing the Missions list in the Jobs menu. And due to the mysterious circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Simeon's former accomplices, Simeon's Premium Deluxe Repo Work is paying out Double Rewards all week long. Simeon's received word that the La Mesa Police are hosting an auction…
Race Track Testing
by omarcomin71- 2 followers
- 6 replies
Over the next few days I’ll be testing race tracks for season 2 of Sunday Racing League. I’ll send out shouts in the chat box A possible time will be Thursday between 8-9 pm UTC.
The Elusive Imponte Phoenix
by SeymorScagneti- 1 follower
- 22 replies
I've been session hopping for 3 days trying to find one. Trying YouTube tips to no avail. Other than missions, I don't think I've seen 1 Phoenix since I've been on PS4. Anyone have any tips on where to find this beauty?
by JustHatched- 0 replies
9f0d34c.mp4 Jump from the Cargobob and into Triple Rewards this week in GTA Online with 3X GTA$ & RP in Motor Wars, the ferocious fight for survival in an intermittently shrinking kill box festooned with all kinds of lethal toys for 2-4 teams and up to 28 players. And continue to scratch that vehicular warfare itch and earn Double GTA$ & RP in the process with two more vehicle-based modes this week: the power-up infused frantic clash of cars known as Vehicle Vendetta, and the souped-up, heavyweight stunt-fueled Hunting Pack (Remix) featuring bruisers like the Vigilante or nimble Scramjets chasing down a Runner rigged to explode. And maximize your B…
by JustHatched- 1 reply
BIKERS WEEK IN GTA ONLINEDOUBLE REWARDS IN DEADLINE, BIKER WORK AND CHALLENGES, AND MORE 02f480d.mp4 Demolish foes with the power of your light trail in Deadline paying out Double GTA$ & RP to all bloodthirsty combatants through March 20th. And in addition to double cash on all Biker Business sales, challenge a rival MC to a Joust or wreak havoc with your MC in Search and Destroy with all Club Work and Challenges paying out 2X GTA$ & RP all week long. Play anytime this week to unlock the monochromatic Steel Horse Solid Logo and Black Western Tees. Take charge of a leather clad legion of prospects with your own MC Clubhouse at 50% of…
Oppressors, I hate them, how bout you?
by JustHatched- 13 replies
The first ones were bad enough (along with the Deluxo) and 2nd Oppressors are even worse for doing anything in a public lobby. I do not own them nor will I. Not that I am in a public lobby much anyways but I think there should be an even counter to them, not a new OP counter, but som*thing that would require skill to take down a skill rider and vice versa.. Thoughts?
by JustHatched- 0 replies
It’s time to buzz the tower in GTA Online, now that a collection of aerial modes and missions including longtime fan-favorites like "Top Fun" are all paying out double rewards through March 13th. You can also earn Double GTA$ on all Smuggler's Cargo Sales, collect a pair of rare in-game tees and take advantage of a squadron of discounts on assorted aircraft, Hangars, and Hangar amenities. They say don't shoot the messenger - but the courier is definitely fair game. 2-4 teams take to the skies to grab as much loot as they can and bring it back to base. Whoever has the biggest haul at the close of business wins, but don't forget: your…
by Donno$$1996dosia- 1 reply
I’m ready to take over the world and need soldiers whiling to go to war
- 10 replies
For me its in a mixed playlist on friday and saturday (european) evenings.
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Does starting a playlist from a invite only lobby makes it harder to rejoin the playlist if disconnected? And, can someone invited, once in the freeroam lobby, invite others to the lobby (not playlist)?
- 11 replies
The pint size pandemonium of RC Bandito Races expands out across Los Santos and Blaine County, with seven additional tracks across new and diverse locations including Fort Zancudo, Paleto Forest and Vespucci Pier: RC - Cargo Chaos: In Los Santos, the glass is always half full. Take Elysian Island, for instance. Look beyond the poorly secured machinery and the routine workplace fatalities, and see a glorious opportunity for some remote-controlled mayhem. RC - Arena Tour: What happens in the arena, stays in the arena. But if you really need to settle a score, you do it the old-fashioned way: fast laps around the building in an RC Bandito. RC – Pierless: V…
Why do you still play GTAO??
by JustHatched- 15 replies
It's an old game compared to just about any game. I only play it a few times a month now. If I didn't have the crew I have I would not be playing it, randoms drive me crazy. I do like getting in the creator and messing around with ideas even if I don't publish it. GTA is a great game, R* keeps adding content, some good some not so much. I guess if they keep adding content it will keep going.
- 5 replies
Whats if for you? For me: Top Creator - creativity Los Santos Customs - all the cars Head to Head mode - the compet*tiveness Bottom Parachute - i just cant Slasher - cant see a thing and then i die Tiny racers - simply boring imo
- 0 replies
Whats if for you? For me: Top Creator - creativity Los Santos Customs - all the cars Head to Head mode - the compet*tiveness Bottom Parachute - i just cant Slasher - cant see a thing and then i die Tiny racers - simply boring imo View the full article
What's left?
by JustHatched- 12 replies
And ideas of what is left to be added in GTAO before Rockstar abandons its in favor of doing only RDRO stuff? I think it's safe to say there will be no GTAO Casino, people been asking that for years and it's never happened. I don't think we will see any new heists or any grand updates like we seen in the past, just the same new modes and races cars. Would be cool if the would put somebody back on verifying creator jobs..
by JustHatched- 0 replies
PRINCIPE DEVESTE EIGHT SUPERCAR AND DOOMSDAY WEEK DOUBLE REWARDS ON ALL DOOMSDAY HEIST FINALES, DISCOUNTS AND MORE It began as little more than a myth: whispers on the dark net that Principe's top engineers were working on their first ever supercar. Then the myth became a legend: a few leaked photograp…
by JustHatched- 1 reply
Once upon a time the Deviant was considered an underdog in the muscle car field. But in the land of opportunity, an underdog is only a genetically-engineered monstrosity in waiting, and that’s som*thing Team Schyster know all too well. Revamped, remodeled, re-engineered and released on the unsuspecting streets of Los Santos, the Schyster Deviant is back with a point to prove - available now at Legendary Motorsport. DOUBLE GTA$ & RP OPPORTUNITIES Challenge miniscule racers at major stakes with Double GTA$ & RP on the recently released RC Bandito Races all week long, then settle the age-old conflict between Beast and Juggernaut to earn double rewards on Tr…
The Declasse Vamos Update
by JustHatched- 1 reply
THE DECLASSE VAMOS MUSCLE CARPLUS VALENTINE'S BONUSES, DOUBLE CASH ON GUNRUNNING SELL MISSIONS & MORE Believe it or not, the Vamos began life in 1960 as a sensible and straight-edge compact car. But over the course of the decade, something wonderful happened. It moved out of its parents' garage and started hanging ar…
Why are you making money?
by Beez- 2 followers
- 23 replies
I'm curious as to what your reasons are for making money in GTAO at this point? I see posts in shoutbox daily about million dollar sales so clearly folks are building their bank accounts. Personally I like to have 5-12 million so I can buy whatever new thing, like the nightclub, comes in an update so I can play the new activity/missions or to buy a new or on sale vehicle I want. Tell me your reasons.
Grand Theft Auto online feedback
by Smurf- 1 follower
- 0 replies
GTAONLINE@ROCKSTARGAMES.COM If you have any ideas that you want to share with GTA online dev's send them a direct message to their email address above. Just like the RDRO feedback this is a feedback method for GTAO. Please pin this post and share your ideas, then share it with them through email. These were some of my ideas over the years that I sent in. If you have more progressive ideas send it in to breathe more life into the game. Allow us to actually 'Source Cars' from the vehicle warehouse computer, a lot of time is wasted travelling to the CEO Office unnecessarily to accomplish this. …
Done or off and on for GTA
by JustHatched- 5 followers
- 19 replies
SO do you plan to be done with GTA in the next couple weeks (if you not already) or you gonna hop on for the racing? I plan on being done with it. Over the next couple weeks I am going to try to get the Plat trophy, I think I just need some story mode stuff for it. I don't plan on turning GTA back on. RDR will keep me busy along with Star Trek Online (very minimal game time on STO) and once Ace Combat 7 comes out they'll be no room for GTA (UNLESS RDR and AA7 suck ass, then i will just go hang myself
- 122 replies
I need to see what everyone is doing with the update. Post your pics and stories! Did you create the ultimate garage, kick ass dance club, or just a hub for all your business endeavors? DON'T FORGET THE PICS!
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Been happening for a few weeks now. Does anyone know how to fix it? When creating/exporting the video it soon stops and gives me this error msg:
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Muscle In - Random Remix
A random transform race featuring older muscle cars based on the Rockstar race Muscle In. RSC link: -
Rate the Last Film you Watched 2: Electric Boogaloo
What I Watched This Week #161 (Jan 27-Feb 2) Rattle of a Simple Man dir. Muriel Box/1964/1h32m The wonderful Harry H. Corbett stars as Percy, a shy and quiet man in his late thirties who has no experience with the ladies. While down in London to watch United play in the FA Cup final his loutish and laddish mates dare him to try and chat up a beautiful woman in the pub where they're drinking. This is Cyrenne (Diane Cilento), a prostitute with a heart of gold who takes pity on him and invites him back to her flat, in which the film is mostly set. What follows is a excellently written and performed two-hander between Corbett and Cilento that is very progressive for its time – exploring themes of masculinity, gender roles, and the class divide. But first and foremost this is a comedy and I think it's still hilarious today. Corbett was well known for the sitcom Steptoe and Son (later remade for the US as Sandford and Son), which had only begun a couple of years earlier, and his comic timing and delivery is near perfect here. But he's also a very good dramatic actor, bringing genuine pathos to this role, making him feel like a real person and not just a joke. Cilento is also very good, with her character going from pitying Percy, to being intrigued by him, all the way to falling in love with him. I went into this expecting a cheeky s*x comedy, something like a tame, British, 60's version of American Pie, but this is much deeper and more meaningful than that, which I think is thanks in part to having a female director. Corbett's Mancunian accent may be a bit dodgy but that doesn't detract from this charming, funny, and surprisingly touching film. 9/10 Lime's Film of the Week! Love Affair dir. Leo McCarey/1939/1h28m This classic romantic melodrama tells the story of two strangers, Michel and Terry (Charles Boyer and Irene Dunne), who meet and fall in love aboard a cruise ship. The only problem is that they are both already engaged. They make a vow to meet again in six month's time at the top of the Empire State Building if they are able to end their current relationships. Starting off very sentimental and typical, there is a pretty shocking twist at the mid point that presents an obstacle to our star-crossed lovers. It also shifts the tone in a way I wasn't expecting and allows Dunne to show off a different side to her character and to go through a substantial arc. Her performance is what really drives the film in this second half and she does a great job of eliciting sympathy without coming across as pitiful, quite the opposite in fact as she gains a determined self-sufficiency in this part of the film. Boyer is also good, though his character isn't nearly as interesting, being just a typical lovestruck Frenchman for the most part. There's some nice direction here, I particularly liked the shot where Terry throws open the door of her apartment to reveal the Empire State reflected in the glass. Not on the same level as Brief Encounter, which is my measuring stick for this genre, but this is still worth a watch if you're in the mood for love. 7/10 Boiling Point dir. Takeshi Kitano/1990/1h36m An early film from Takeshi Kitano, this stars Yurei Yanagi as Masaki, a young man who plays for a pathetically bad baseball team that is coached by a former Yakuza. When the coach is threatened by current Yakuza Masaki decides to travel to Okinawa in order to get a gun. While there he meets the psychotic gangster Uehara (Kitano), who has his own plans for revenge. This has a very strange tone for a crime film in that it's very relaxed, almost shambling. There's no effort to build any tension, with events coming and going with ease, punctuated by dry, dark humour and occasional moments of violence. In that regard this reminds me of the French New Wave of the early sixties where the plots were so unimportant they were practically ignored. Yanagi is good in the lead, someone who is both passive and active at the same time, he feels impotent. That's in contrast to Kitano's performance, you can't take your eyes off of him, he has such an imposing presence. This is very well shot, Kitano having a great eye for interesting compositions. Not your typical gangster film and it's all the better for it. 8/10 Three Ages dir. Buster Keaton, Edward F. Cline/1923/1h4m This silent comedy from Buster Keaton sees him vie for the romantic attention of The Girl (Margaret Leahy) with a brutish bully (Wallace Beery). The unique selling point for this very standard plot is that we see it play out over three different ages of man – the Stone Age, the Roman Age, and the Modern age. The different gags he comes up with for each age are what makes this worth watching over the threadbare plot, and he's got some great ones here. My favourite comes during the Roman period where he has a dog-drawn chariot, and when he needs to replace one of them he pulls a spare out of the trunk. Keaton was also known for his death-defying stunts and there's a very impressive one here where he falls down the side of a building, his life saved by some conveniently placed awnings. Keaton gives a great performance here, his style quite different from Chaplin. His slightly bemused yet stoically unchanging expression never betraying more than the slightest emotion makes all of his stunts and pratfalls even funnier. Not as substantial as his later films like Sherlock Jr. or The General, this is still an entertaining watch. 7.5/10 The Second dir. Taylor Ramos, Tony Zhou/2024/16m This short is set in a modern world where 18th century duels are still the preferred manner of settling disputes and stars Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Phillip, a man who must act as the second – the person on each side of the duel who tries to negotiate a peaceful resolution before the pistols are pulled out - for his son Danny (Ethan Hwang). This is from the couple behind the excellent YouTube channel Every Frame a Painting, which used to make video essays about filmmaking and what makes particular directors unique, so it's disappointing that this film is pretty bland visually. Most of it is just people stood in a field talking and they're unable to inject any life into proceedings through camera movement of framing. Sun-Hyung Lee is a good lead, bringing a lot of personal history to his character, who made his name as a young man by participating in a duel himself, and I would've liked the film to focus more on the relationship between himself and Danny. 6/10 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift dir. Justin Lin/2006/1h44m Tokyo Drift is like the Halloween III of the series in that it's trying to turn the franchise into an anthology where the only connection between each film is the fact that people are driving ridiculous cars fast and in a furious manner. In this instalment Lucas Black plays middle-aged high schooler Sean who's sent to live with his military father in Tokyo after getting into car related trouble involving one of the kids from Home Improvement. While there he inevitably gets caught up in the underground drift racing scene (the montage of Sean learning how to drift is the highlight of the film). The Tokyo setting is interesting and makes it visually distinct from the previous films, but I found this to be pretty boring. Sean is such a nothing character that I forgot he exists every time he's not on screen. My knowledge of this series is that it gets really over the top and insane – apparently they go to space in the tenth one – so at this point I'm just hanging in there waiting for that madness to start, which I hope is soon. 4/10 Pepi, Luci, Bom dir. Pedro Almodóvar/1980/1h22m The debut feature length film from Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar, this stars Carmen Maura as Pepi, a woman who is r*ped by a policeman (Felix Rotaeta) and decides to take revenge. This comes in the form of befriending his shy and retiring wife Luci (Eva Siva) and corrupting her with the help of her friend, punk singer Bom (Alaska). This starts with Bom pissing on her, unlocking Luci's masochistic tendencies. This is a transgressive, vulgar, sexually frank anti-authority film and one of the most punk movies I've ever seen. I don't think there's ever been a male filmmaker who can write and direct female characters like Almodóvar, something he proves time and again with films like Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown and All About My Mother. This isn't as refined as his later films, but that rawness adds to the feel of the piece. That also goes for the performances, they are good but in an amateurish way. It all feels very DIY, right down to the pop art style intertitles. 8/10- 2
The battle of Zancudo
I can spend time on props and a smooth build for a race, or some idea of how s job could work. Yet in 99/100 it still is no fun. Seems i am missing that quality. So in order to keep it simple.. here is all firepower available in a simple tdm, no blips and all your weapons fully loaded. Weapons: RPG, Homing, Heavy expl sniper with heat aim, Proxies, and Combat MG mk2. Vehicles: Kanjali tank with railgun, APC with SAM (hold right to switch to SAM), Chernobog, a loaded jet with homing missiles and explosive rounds, and helicopter with barrage and bombs. And Lago Zancudo in between. All vehicles respawn, unlimited ammu, no need to reload, no blips on map. What could go wrong? 1